בחירת מדינה אחרת

  ליצירת קשר  

Category List Badge Guidelines

The category list badge is awarded to companies who have achieved the top scores in a designated category such as industry, location or demographic group.

Category List Badge

Grid Alignment

Grid Alignment2

Clear Space

Clear Space2


The grid shown in the above example displays the minimum area to be kept clear from any graphics or other interference. This area is directly related to half the height of the box container (x) and surrounds the brandmark at the furthest point on each side.

Alternative Color Option:
Black & White

A one-color black or white solution may be used as a secondary option. For additional color options reach out to your local point of contact.

Pairing with Company Logos

Partner logos should either be placed to the right of the list badge and centered vertically, or placed above the list badge and centered horizontally.

Single Pairing Horizontal

Artboard 1 copy 34

Single Pairing Stacked

Single pairing stacked Ex 1

Twitter Post

Twitter Post3

Do not flush badge

Do not place badge flush against image border. Pay attention to clear space requirements.

Use national or category list badge in your email signature.

Email Signature Ex.2